Creators of Blockbuster Factory and Live & Let Dine
Specialists in Immersive Interactive Experiences

Step into Martin Bielspurg’s film venture, where you’re not just an audience but the beating heart of the movie! Join his stretched yet dedicated assistant Phil in one of a diverse range of roles—be it camera whiz, makeup artist, daring stunt double, or star beside the magnetic actor Charles Bexley-Heath. Brace for the drama—this film’s destiny teeters between triumph and disaster. Each performance crafts an entirely unique experience, making every film a distinct adventure into the unpredictable world of cinema. Your involvement sways the tale—it’s not just a show, but your chance to shape a film’s destiny. NB. All props and equipment are bananas.
Blockbuster Factory is an ACE funded award winning immersive street show that has captured the hearts of festival-goers at, Hat Fair, Festival of Fools, Out There Arts, Camp Bestival and many more.
The 45 min show evolves from a simple x3 person walkabout act into a large circle show with as many as 150 passers by immersed and ‘performing’ on the 'Movie set'.
'LIGHTS, CAMERA, BANANAS!! Oh, my word!! What a joy Blockbuster Factory is."
Nick Terrific, Booker: On Fire and Rescued